Ms Karen Farley SC - Chair

Karen Farley SC (B. Juris, LLB) is a legal practitioner who has practiced primarily in criminal law for more than 30 years.

Before her appointment to the RWWA Board, Karen was a member of the Racing Penalties Appeals Tribunal, and was Chair of the Tribunal from 2018-2022.

Currently, Karen is a Senior Appeals Consultant at Legal Aid WA, is a member of the Legal Practice Board of WA, holds positions on three committees of the Law Society of WA, and is a local government Shire Councillor. Karen has taught at the University of Western Australia, Notre Dame and Murdoch law schools.

She has a keen interest in governance and ethics and has served on many government and non-government boards and committees, including as Chair of the Childcare Services Board, Chair of Boards of Visitors, as well as co-chairing the Board of Management of St Hilda’s Anglican School for Girls. Karen has been interested in all three racing codes from an early age.

She has been a part owner of three thoroughbreds.

In 2013, Karen was appointed Senior Counsel for and in the State of Western Australia.

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